Join Our Online Symposium 2021


The Journal will conduct the Symposium on Constitutionalism and Public Law: Global South Perspectives. This event will be held online from 6-7 December 2021 (GMT +7 Jakarta time). This symposium is an international platform to exchange ideas and perspectives about the recent issues on constitutionalism and public law in the Global South countries. The speakers of this event span from Indonesia, India, Bangladesh, South Korea, Malaysia, Nigeria, to Spain and Brazil.

On 6 December 2021, this symposium will start from 01:00 PM to 5:30 PM (GMT +7 Jakarta time).

On 7 December 2021, this symposium will start from 08:00 AM to 03:30 PM (GMT +7 Jakarta time).

All readers at this journal are encouraged to attend as a participant at this symposium. Please register your participation here.

The list of presentations and speakers: (download booklet)

  1. Anti-defection Law and Issuance of Whip: A Study of Its Impact on Parliamentary Democracy in India and Bangladesh Vijay K. Tyagi & Priya Kumari (O.P. Jindal Global University, India).
  1. ‘Political Question’ and Judicial Attitude to Political Controversies in Nigeria: Implications for Constitutionalism Ferdinand O. Ottoh (University of Lagos, Nigeria).
  1. Why Does the Constitutional Guarantee of the Right to Life Fail to End Death Penalty in Indonesia? Andy Omara (Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia).
  1. The Bangladesh Constitution: Who “We, The People†Are? S M Masum Billah (Jagannath University, Bangladesh).
  1. Power Sharing and Zoning Formula as the Alternative Strategies for Managing Diversity in Nigerian Politics: Examining the Experience of the Fourth Republic Journey (1999-2019) Usman Sambo (Yobe State University, Nigeria), Babayo Sule (Federal University Kashere Gombe, Nigeria).
  1. Integration Policy for Rohingya Asylum Seekers to Guaranteed the Rohingya Freedom of Religion in Indonesia as a Non-Immigrant States Khairil Azmin Mokhtar (International Islamic University of Malaysia, Malaysia), Rachminawati (Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia), Hani Adhani (Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia, Indonesia).
  1. Constitutionalization of International Law: A Comparative Analysis between Bangladesh and India Nabila Akter, (South Asian University, India).
  1. Majoritarian Nationalism and Violation of Human Rights in South Asia Bhumika Sharma &  Nikita Dobhal (Jagran School of Law, India), Ruchi Ramesh Sharma (Rajkiya Kanya Mahavidyalaya, India).
  1. Constitutional Protection of the Environment in Argentina: Tensions in the Supreme Court Case Law Fernando Arlettaz (University of Zaragoza, Spain).
  1. The Recognition of Forest Carbon Rights in Indonesia Based on the Constitutional Approach Kenny Cetera, (WRI Indonesia, Indonesia).
  1. Populism and Constitution in Brazil and Peru Eleonora Mesquita Ceia, Ibmec University Center, Brazil
  1. Falling Down the Rabbit Hole: How COVID-19 Accelerates the Decline of Democracy in Indonesia Fildza Nabila Avanti, (Raoul Wallenberg Institute, Indonesia).
  1. Analyzing the Indian Citizenship Amendment Act, 2019 in the Light of Constitutional Ethos: A Legal Insight Shilpa Jain, Ankit Srivastava & Aditi Richa Tiwary (Dharmashastra National Law University, India).
  1. Comparative Analysis of the Impeachment Procedures in Nigeria and Indonesia: A Need for a Paradigm Change Kalu Kingsley Anele (Pusan National University, South Korea).
  1. Transformative Constitutionalism and Human Rights of Homosexuals in India Purnima Khanna (Khalsa College of Law, Punjab, India).
  1. Labour Exploitation at Sea as Modern-Day Slavery: The Perspective of Global South Kartika Paramita (Universitas Prasetiya Mulya, Indonesia).
  1. Changing Dynamics of Constitutionalism: South Asia's Tryst with Constitution Neha Tripathi & Anubhav Kumar (Maharashtra National Law University, India).
  1. A Clear Pathway for Acknowledging Native-Faith Followers’ Rights through the Constitutional Court Decision No. 97/PUU-XIV/2016 Rofi Wahanisa, Ahmad Habib Al Fikry & Fairus Augustina Rachmawati (Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia).
  1. Image-Based Sexual Abuse of Women: An Indian Legal Scenario Akhil Kashyap (High Court of Punjab and Haryana, India).
  1. Critical Analysis of Human Right Based Approaches towards Persons with Disabilities Fr. Baiju Thomas (RMV Educational and Research Institute, India).


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