
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • The submission file should be in DOC or DOCX format. The submission in PDF format will be declined.
  • Prepare the author's details, ORCID ID, and biography in a separate file; ensure a blind review policy is followed.
  • Ensure you have followed the guidelines and your manuscript has conformed with our template. Check here.
  • Ensure the manuscript uses the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation (McGill Guide).
  • Ensure the manuscript is written in English. If not, the Editorial Board will reject your submission in the preliminary stage.

Author Guidelines

Please note that by submitting a manuscript here, you confirm that you are the corresponding/submitting author, and the Journal may retain your email address to communicate with you about the submitted manuscript.

In the submission form, please ensure you have entered your ORCID ID and a description of your personal details. This information will be displayed on the page once the submission has been accepted for publication.

Instructions for Authors

Editorial Process


Manuscript Submission

LENTERA HUKUM welcomes the contribution of manuscripts on contemporary legal discourses of the Global South issues in light of theoretical, doctrinal, multi-disciplinary, empirical, and comparative studies. Manuscripts may comprise articles (8,000-14,000 words) and book reviews (1,500-2,500 words).

All submissions should be made online. Please go to

Please upload source files such as .doc and .docx, not .pdf files. Paper or email submissions are not accepted.

Due to a very high number of manuscripts submitted to this journal, we usually need at least three months before our decision on whether manuscripts are accepted or rejected for publication. However, all authors are advised to submit manuscripts earlier than three months from the regular date of publication, as it is our standard by which all articles should pass rigorous reviews before publication. 

Format and Style

Authors must follow the article's template for the submission draft, which may be downloaded here.

Guidelines for Articles

Please note that your manuscript should include a minimum of 70 footnotes comprising 80% of journal articles published in the last 10 (ten) years. The remaining 20% may be from other resources like research reports, books, and other relevant publications.

This journal will consider submissions between 8,000 and 14,000 words in length, inclusive of tables, figures, references, notes, the abstract, and the title. The editor reserves the right to reject manuscripts that are longer than 14,000 words or shorter than 8,000 words. The guidelines, including the template, can be downloaded here.

Guidelines for Book Reviews

Please include:
1. At the beginning of the review, the book information: author(s), title, place, date, number of pages, ISBN.
2. The review should begin with a brief overall description of the book.
3. Matters that may be considered in the body of the review.
4. The average review should be 1,500 - 2,000 words.
5. The strengths and weaknesses of the book.
6. Comments on the author's style and presentation.
7. Whether or not the author's aims have been met.
8. Errors (typographical or other) and usefulness of indices.
9. Who would the book be useful to?
10. Would you recommend readers purchase the book?



All manuscripts submitted to this journal undergo a selection and assessment process by the Editorial Board members. The journal applies this process as the preliminary selection to determine whether the manuscripts have conformed to the journal's submission guidelines, focus and scope and whether they are of excellent academic quality.

The language check also becomes essential to our screening at this stage. Authors must ensure that the journal editors and reviewers fully understand the academic content of their paper. Authors must ensure that the manuscript submitted to this journal has been proofread. 

Please note that the Editorial Board will reject the manuscript submitted written in other than English.

Screening for Plagiarism

Plagiarism and self-plagiarism are prohibited. Each author is responsible for ensuring that the manuscript submitted to this journal is original and plagiarism free. It is our routine procedure to run all submissions through plagiarism detection software. The result of manuscript screening should be 25% of the maximum similarity. Also, the Editorial Board has the right to decline the submission when it is found that the manuscript is detected with plagiarism.

Plagiarism includes:
(a) the word for word plagiarism
(the author uses the words of other authors (exactly) without mentioning the source);
(b) plagiarism over the source
(the author uses the idea of others without giving enough recognition (without mentioning the source expressly); and
(c) plagiarism of authorship
(the author is acknowledged as the author of the paperwork of others).

Desk Review

Manuscripts that have conformed to such mentioned criteria, and if judged suitable for this publication, will be forwarded to the desk review.

This step is optional. Typically, for submissions that undergo the desk review stage, the Editorial Board will provide common feedback to ensure submissions have conformed to the journal's standard to ease the peer-reviewer reviewing the manuscript. If authors do not meet these conditions, they will get feedback and have an opportunity to revise their manuscript according to the criteria. However, there is also the possibility that the Editorial Board will directly reject the manuscript.

Peer Review

The review process applies the double-blind peer review method, in which neither authors nor reviewers know each other’s identities. When the manuscript has passed the desk review stage, editors will deliver a manuscript to two reviewers who are experts in the field of the submitted manuscript. The task of reviewers is to assess originality, clarity of presentation, and contribution to the legal knowledge. Typically, reviewers will complete the review process within three weeks. Manuscripts that did not successfully pass the desk review process will not proceed to this stage and will be rejected.

Reviewers' Decision

The reviewers will provide the following recommendations:
1. Accepted (the manuscript is acceptable for publication);
2. Accepted with minor revisions
(the manuscript is acceptable for publication after it undergoes a revision in response to the reviewers’ concerns);
3. Accepted with major revisions
(substantive inadequacies in the manuscript, such as data analysis, the main theory used, and rewriting paragraphs, need to be revised); or
4. Rejected
(the manuscript is not acceptable for publication, or the given reviews relate to fundamental issues).

The final decision of manuscript acceptance is solely decided by the Editorial Board by taking into account reviewers' comments. However, the Editorial Board cannot decide unilaterally without reviewers' recommendations.


Once the manuscript has been received with notations of minor or major revisions, it will be returned to the author with a review summary form. For manuscripts accepted with significant revisions, authors are allotted three weeks to revise. Whereas for manuscripts accepted with minor revisions, one week is allotted for revision. When returning the revised manuscript, the author is required to fill in and attach the review summary form. 

Final Decision

At this stage, the Editorial Board will re-evaluate the manuscript to ensure that the author has revised it in response to the reviewers’ concerns. In this final decision, the manuscript may still be rejected if the author did not seriously conduct necessary revisions.

Please note that upon the acceptance of the manuscript for publication at this stage, the journal cannot entertain the request for additional authorship. 


Once the manuscript has been deemed acceptable by the Editorial Board, it will undergo a proofreading process to maintain linguistic quality.

Competing Interest

After the paper submission is accepted and scheduled for publication, the corresponding author will be asked to attach the declaration of no conflict of interest.

Publication Confirmation

At this stage, in a certain condition, the final layout of the manuscript will be resent to the author to ensure that the content follows the author’s writing. At this stage, the author may revise any typographical error found in the final manuscript. Once confirmation from the author is given, the Editorial Secretary will process the manuscript for online publication on the website and a print publication.

Privacy Statement

Nama dan alamat email yang dimasukkan di situs jurnal ini akan digunakan secara eksklusif untuk tujuan dari jurnal ini dan tidak akan dipergunakan untuk tujuan lain atau untuk pihak lain.