Call for Papers - Symposium 2021
Lentera Hukum (Journal of Legal Studies) is an open-access peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish impactful scholarships on the increasing importance of cross-border legal analysis in the Global South countries, managed by the Faculty of Law, University of Jember, Indonesia. This journal has been indexed in the Directory of Open-Access Journals (DOAJ), HeinOnline, Science, and Technology Index (SINTA 2), Google Scholar, Dimensions.
This journal will conduct the online symposium on “Constitutionalism and Public Law: Global South Perspectives†on 6-7 December 2021. This symposium invites academics, students, and practitioners to share experiences and explore contemporary issues on constitutionalism and public law, which include environmental and human rights aspects in the Global South countries.
Date: 6-7 December 2021
Venue: University of Jember, Indonesia (Online via Zoom)
The discourses on constitutionalism and public law have expanded the Euro-American outlooks in developing the discipline. On the other hand, constitutionalism and public law in many Global South countries are often marginalized. While many southern countries may follow the West-led perspectives, their distinctive features have increasingly attracted scholars to explore more complex relations: politically, socially, and culturally diverse. It often refers to the phrase ‘Global South’ that spans most countries from South Asia, Southeast Asia, Pacific Islands, Middle East, Africa to Latin America. The importance of the current analysis reflects emerging issues in respective countries under economic globalization that gradually impact the way to interact and promote domestic affairs. It particularly includes how each Global South government develops constitutional structure and addresses the environmental and human rights issues.
All participants are encouraged to submit abstracts that share experiences and explore contemporary issues on constitutionalism and public law in the Global South countries, drawing upon the particular field of disciplines with legal contexts in their national, regional, comparative, and international experiences.
This symposium welcomes an abstract of no more than 350 words. The abstract should be clear, concise, and descriptive. This abstract should provide:
(a) a brief introduction to the problem;
(b) the objective of the paper;
(c) the methodology;
(d) a summary of results;
(e) conclusion; and
(f) recommendation (if any).
Abstract submission has been closed. The notification on the selected abstracts will be communicated through email.
Along with the notification of the selected abstracts, the Committee will inform the guidelines and procedure regarding the full paper submission.
Abstract Deadline: 20 August 2021
Accepted Notification: 30 August 2021
Full Paper Submission: 20 November 2021
Symposium Date: 6-7 December 2021
1. This symposium is free of charge for all authors and/or presenters.
2. The Committee will provide grants to each presenter up to USD 500 (for the 10 best papers submitted in the final form).
3. The recipients of these grants will be announced by 30 November 2021.
1. This journal will reserve the 10 best papers to be published in Lentera Hukum Volume 9:1 (April 2022).
2. Other presented papers in the symposium will be considered for publication in Lentera Hukum Volume 9:2 (July 2022).
3. Further information regarding the paper publication will be communicated through email.
Should you have further enquiries, please send an email to: or a direct chat through WhatsApp here.